速報APP / 商業 / Agnelorajesh Athaide

Agnelorajesh Athaide



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Agnelorajesh Athaide(圖1)-速報App

AGNELORAJESH ATHAIDE is a social entrepreneur who believes in LEARN, EARN AND RETURN. He is the chairman of st. Angelos VNCT ventures.

Agnelorajesh Athaide(圖2)-速報App

He is a first generation entrepreneur and works globally in the sectors of technology and education, concept-based real estate development, hospitality, and sports.

Agnelorajesh Athaide(圖3)-速報App

He is currently developing real estate projects in and around Mumbai, Chennai, Madurai, Coimbatore, Hyderabad, and Dubai.

Agnelorajesh Athaide(圖4)-速報App

Global Indian realty summit, INSPIRING CONVERSATIONS, and WWW.MISSINGPEOPLEINFO.COM are his social initiatives.

Agnelorajesh Athaide(圖5)-速報App

He loves to travel and his wealth is the friendships that he has built across the world.

Agnelorajesh Athaide(圖6)-速報App

His company website is www.savvgobal.com

Agnelorajesh Athaide(圖7)-速報App

Agnelorajesh Athaide(圖8)-速報App

Agnelorajesh Athaide(圖9)-速報App
